12 世紀から受け継がれた伝説のオーガニックハーブを受け継ぐ、オーストリアのゾネントール社は、オーガ ニックティーのまさに老舗。ドイツのベストセラー『月の癒し』の著者、Paunger&Poppe 夫妻のレシピを、 ゾネントール社のオーガニックハーブを使ってブレンドされたお茶です。
満ちてくる月の時期に飲む、身体を丈夫にし、体力をつけるお茶 アップルミント、ヒソップ、ラズベリーリーフ、フェンネル、アニス、サンフラワー、ローズフラワー
満月の日に飲む、心身に沈静化と調和をもたらすお茶 レモンバーム、ラズベリーリーフ、エルダー、タイム、マリーゴールド、コーンフラワー、ヒマワリ、ヤグ ルマハッカ
欠けていく月の時期に飲む、解毒と浄化に効果のあるお茶 ブラックベリーリーフ、ネトルリーフ、エルダーフラワー、リンゴ、緑茶、ローズヒップ、マリーゴールド
新月の日に飲む、身体に刺激を与え、元気にするお茶 マテ、スペアミント、レモングラス、リンゴ、緑茶、ローズフラワー
Sonnentor, an Austrian company renowned as a pioneer in organic tea, carries on the tradition of legendary organic herbs passed down since the 12th century. This Organic Moon Tea is crafted from the recipes of the authors Paunger & Poppe, who wrote the German bestseller Healing Through the Moon.
A tea to drink as the moon waxes, strengthening the body and building stamina. Apple mint, hyssop, raspberry leaf, fennel, anise, sunflower, rose flower.
A tea to drink on full moon days, bringing calm and harmony to the mind and body. Lemon balm, raspberry leaf, elder, thyme, marigold, cornflower, sunflower, knapweed.
A tea to drink as the moon wanes, supporting detox and purification. Blackberry leaf, nettle leaf, elderflower, apple, green tea, rosehip, marigold.
A tea to drink on new moon days, energizing and stimulating the body. Mate, spearmint, lemongrass, apple, green tea, rose flower.
Ethiopian organic coffee with a perfect balance of acidity, sweetness, and an aromatic fragrance.
Black bean is from Tamba, in Hyogo Prefecture. Rich in soy isoflavone and polyphenols, the tea has gentle flavor. Please enjoy edible beans as well.
Refreshing grape vinegar drink made from early picked grapes. No artificial preservatives. No artificial sweeteners.
(Provided by Coco Farm Winery, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture)
Juice made from high quality Muscat grape. Please enjoy the elegant natural sweetness. No artificial preservatives. No artificial sweeteners.
(Provided by Coco Farm Winery, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture)
Juice full of polyphenols and minerals squeezed together with grape skin and seeds. No artificial preservatives. No artificial sweeteners.
(Provided by Coco Farm Winery, Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture)
The entire café space is available to reserve for private events and parties. Please contact Gallery Satsu for details.
Tel: 03-3221-4220
Mail: [email protected]
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